Monday 13 August 2012

New Arrival - Cygnet Joy for Black Necked Swans

Celebrating a rare and rather momentous occasion at Birdland in Bourton-on-the-Water - a pair of Black-necked swans have hatched a chick for the very first time.

Birdkeeper Helen Perry with New Arrival
Native to South America, the pretty pair arrived in late 2010 from a private breeder and quickly settled in to their new home on the Trout Pond.  Though a nest was built in 2011, no eggs were laid; however when the male started behaving territorially towards the keepers in late May, hopes were raised.
Black Necked Swan with Cygnet taking a swim

In fact, the female started sitting on her nest at the beginning of June and five eggs were laid.  Incubation – typically between 33-36 days - lasted well over a month and in July, all five eggs hatched. Sadly, four of the five chicks did not survive, attributed as a result of the parents’ inexperience.

But the good news is that the remaining chick is thriving and can be admired swimming around the pond with mum and dad always in close attendance; and if the cygnet ever gets too tired, can be seen hitching a ride on one of its parents’ backs.

Staff at Birdland are immensely excited by the new arrival and are avidly watching its development – where it will be two years before its striking black neck develops.

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